MCWRC believes our strength comes from our diversity of opinion, experience, and culture.
MCWRC believes in the power of grassroots political activism.
MCWRC believes our legacy is developing political leaders for the future.
MCWRC believes in government that requires personal responsibility while protecting the worth of the individual.
MCWRC believes education will enable women to reach their potential.
MCWRC believes women are a powerful force for change in the 21st century.
MCWRC welcomes Republican men as Associate members.
What Membership Offers
Issue Oriented Programs - providing information about the political process and addressing current concerns
Mentorship Program - designed to encourage Morris County women to seek public office and leadership positions within the GOP.
Opportunity to participate - in the campaign or Republican candidates running for office at all levels of government.
A Newsletter - written to provide busy women with concise information about issues, future events and opportunities to become politically involved.
Complimentary Membership - in two additional Republican Women's organizations, NJ Federation of Republican Women and National Federation of Republican Women.